Sharing Stories

Been feeling discouraged lately.

I always wanted to work on improving my writing, but having writer’s block for what seemed like the longest time (a week and a half) told me I was not going to get anywhere.

Writing alone on this blog was never good enough for my perfectionist expectations of myself, “You ramble too much”, and besides “You don’t seem to have anything that is worth writing about lately.” I really wasn’t sure how I was able to break out of this rut.

There have been many moments that were lost last year when I stopped to pick up my camera, thinking that there was nothing special to capture or to talk about. It always had to be a new place, a new experience, or a special day, then snapshots were taken. I even told myself, “Maybe I need a new lens, to be able to capture better photographs”.


Then last week, when I took a walk alone after a heavy shower, I slowed down, paid attention to the little details around me, captured the scenes that I thought best expressed the emotions I felt at the moment.



That’s when I saw how it fit together. That all the things I loved about photography were the things I loved about writing: capturing the moment, marveling at each discovery, developing a point of view.

The person behind the lens has a voice, just like any storyteller.

Are you the family’s storyteller too? The one that writes the story of your life, with every photograph, every word that you jot down in a special space, with every memory. Document what’s the most important in your life.

I will be embarking on a new journey on this blog to see my world differently through the lens of a camera, starting with a weekly meme; Photo *Heart” Fridays, where I will share a photo on this space, write the story, reveal the heart and emotions that I feel with each photo.

So will you join me? Point, focus and shoot every milestone, relationship, family, your loves, joys, daily struggles and little successes, from the most mundane to the extraordinary.


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