K had his first foray into a toddler’s science experiment; melting ice.
I made plastic bags of ice and ice cubes and place them in his water table. K exclaimed, “Ice heavy…cold…hard!” while he moved the big block of ice around the table.
“Oh melting ice!”
He was intrigued when I pointed out that the ice was melting, shrinking in size and turning into water. He seemed to have understood when all the ice melted into water, and remarked, “No more ice, ice melt”.
And as always, he will end up drinking some water from the water table. Did not helped that I said “Don’t drink!” countless times. Then I recalled reading that parents should say things that they want the toddler to do, instead of not do, as they have a tendency to miss out of the “don’t” part of the instruction. So I tried, “Water dirty, can play with water only,” And that was much more effective. Note to self : don’t use don’t
Of late, K has become quite helpful. He often offers, “Me help,” when he sees me cleaning or taking things. And he has to be given the chance to help, or he will get upset.
Got him to help to make his own lunch yesterday; pizza. As this is his first time helping me make his own food, I was so happy to see him focused in doing his task well and not make a mess at all.
1. Putting the tomato sauce
2. Adding the barbeque chicken
3. Topping it up with onions, then cheese
He then watched the helper put it in the oven, wanted to “see” the pizza baking every few minutes. And I could see the look of satisfaction when he readily chomped down every piece of pizza that he was given during lunch.
Something I have learnt from this; what he helps to prepare, he eats. So guess I will have an additional cook at home from now on.