Family time

Dh took some time off today to spend some family time with us and we had an enjoyable afternoon together. After a scrumptious lunch at Akashi Tanglin, we went into Kenko Fish Spa at Tanglin Shopping Centre, as dh was certain that K will be very thrilled to watch fishes nibbling the soles of his feet. I was not too keen to join in, since I did not enjoy my last experience at the fish spa. I much prefer scrubbing my own feet with feet exfoliator, than experience the strange sensation of fishes nibbling at my feet.

The fish spa experience kept K occupied for less than 10 mins, since he was quite thrilled by the fishes in the pool. After which he just wanted to leave the shop to “walk, walk”.

Dh tells me that I should just come by in the late mornings to get a foot massage and bring K along. Sometimes I think Dh over-estimates his son and thinks that this 19 month old will be able to stay occupied and quiet somehow, while I get a 45 min pampering treat. Dh, how about trying it out one of these days? Then tell me whether it is possible to enjoy your massage and not be distracted by an active toddler.

I might get a pleasant surprise again and dh may not encounter any problem having a foot massage with a toddler in tow. The last time dh surprised me with a passport photo of K, when he brought K to the nearby mall to buy lunch back. Certain things just seem so effortless for fathers, while moms struggle to get the same things done.

After dh’s fish spa session, we sent K home for his afternoon nap and returned to Kenko for 90 mins of foot reflexology and shoulder and back massage. It was heavenly! The last time I had a foot massage was almost 1 and a half year ago. Dh and I used to frequent Kenko almost weekly. Now it’s so hard to find any leisure time to do any of these sort of pampering activities.

In the evening, we went to the club to let K enjoy some water play, while dh spent some time at the golf driving range.

K loves water fountains and always exclaims loudly whenever he sees them in malls. I am hoping for good weather this coming friday as L and I have planned a playdate for Alex and K at IMM water fountain area.

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Kyle’s Happy Birthday

Kyle will be 18 months on the 17 of Sept, which incidentally, is my birthday. We had early celebrations at Nana’s place, and like usual, everyone’s birthday is also Kyle’s birthday. Grand-dad and Nana sang him a birthday song with a candle on a burger and he got another birthday song, right after everyone sang a birthday song for me.

Love that look of anticipation on his face while we were singing his ‘birthday’ song. He always asks for me to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song and it has to be complete with the action of blowing out the candle and clapping, right after the song ends.

One more birthday song for Kyle from Rachel T on Vimeo.

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Shawn has his own bed, complete with a mattress and pillow…and I hear him sigh pretty often of late. Who ever started the idiom, ‘It’s a dog’s life’ probably never had a dog or is remotely close to being a dog lover.

Well I think the best we can provide for him in his old age is to him lots of love and hugs and not deprive him of good food…and in turn, he will give us his unconditional love and attention.

Contentment can never be in such simple terms for us humans, we are always in search for that better ‘thing’…may it be a home, a job or that partner (don’t even think of it when you are married ok…). Especially when it comes to human relationships, we really need to constantly remind ourselves that we should not demand perfection in the other person when we are clearly not perfect ourselves.

So what defines contentment for me? Frankly I am not sure, what I say now may not be even valid 2 years from now. However with the onset of motherhood, I have obtained greater clarity of my priorities in life. One of which is to make sure that I have the emotional capacity and maturity to bring this little person up the best that I can.

As for the level of contentment, I think that still remains a variable.

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