We always will have the quintessential turkey. It is a must-have at our family’s Christmas eve dinners, although it is not the most popular dish. We always end up with turkey porridge and turkey sandwiches for the next few days after Christmas.
Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love.
K does not quite understand the meaning of Christmas yet, however he had the most fun at on Christmas eve.
1. He had a whale of a time hogging digital camera (he now goes crazy when he sees the camera and has learn how to take pictures).

The fun does not end there as he gets to sleep way past his bedtime. And then wakes up to some more presents the next morning.
The Christmas season can be a wonderful time of family togetherness and goodwill, but the spirit of Christmas often gets lost in the midst of all these excitement.
From next year, K will be taught the true meaning of Christmas and goodwill. For a start, learn to look beyond his Christmas desires by maybe choosing a toy to donate to a children’s charity or helping to choose groceries and deliver them the Boy’s brigade sharity gift box.