Beautiful day, clear skies….what is best way to spend the morning?
Outdoors, at the park with friends of course!
In the late afternoon, as the family was feeling a little rather adventurous, we took a walk in Dairy Farm Nature Park and went to explore Grand-dad's latest discovery from the park.
We ventured a little off the beaten track and took a short hike through overgrown grass and shrubs to the place where Grand-dad wanted us to see…
finally we trekked our way to a bridge over-looking these tracks.
While waiting for the train to pass, K kept himself busy,
And he was not the only one who was kept occupied while waiting …
K probably had more fun throwing rocks towards the train tracks, rather than anticipating for the train to pass.
Apart from this train discovery from the park, we have also discovered that K quite likes the challenge of seeing how far he can throw the rocks.
Finally, we got to see what we were originally here for…the train!
Which passed too quickly and was not that exciting, at least we got to see what we came here for that evening.
And K surely did not mind the wait one bit!