Me ‘Kiasu’?

I never thought I will be thinking of this so soon…but today, I finally succumbed to the common syndrome that plague lots of Singaporean parents; planning ahead for their child’s primary education.

Just a few days ago, I loudly exclaimed to Dh that it is ok to stay where we are at now and then find a nearby primary school to register K in when time comes. I was thinking that it really did not matter and it was alright to drop our privileges (to be in one of the top 10 most popular primary schools in Singapore) to get into Phase 2A1 (if he joins the alumni) or Phase 2A2 for being a ‘old-boy’ of the school. So I thought to myself, “I wonder what is the big deal about getting into a good primary school, I should not be so ‘kiasu’ since K hasn’t even started kindergarten…”

I realised that I have put a foot to my mouth after I spent this morning with my neighbour downstairs; Lay Keng, a SAHM with 4 kids. Her oldest being 15 years old and Seth, her youngest child, is the same age as K. We talked about her children’s experience in primary school, 3 separate experiences and how each varied from the other depending on the type of school the child attends.

We talked about the parent volunteer system, how we can get into Phase 2B of a fairly good Christian primary school near our home (unfortunately distance of school is > than 1km), if the school have any vacancies for parent volunteers. Parent volunteers need to accumulate 40 hours of service (that’s akin to starting volunteering when the child turns 4). Anyhow I am not even certain that I will be accepted as parent volunteer, since I don’t even know what ‘service’ I can offer to the school.

Key take-outs from our conversation? It does make a difference which school the child attends. It will differ from the kind of support teachers/school can give to the other areas of development for the child (apart from academic development). Dh and I came from good primary schools (due to the effort on the part of our parents), so shouldn’t I give my child a chance to be in a better primary school as well?

It dawned on me that I am a kiasu parent, to be even thinking about this even before K turns 3. Just when I told myself from the start of the new year that I will need to learn to be contented, learn to live a day at a time and trust God for my future, I find myself thinking of things that are more than 4 years away. I find it such a irony when I don’t even know what will happen from a year from here, yet I am thinking of something 4 years from now?

It’s bizarre how having a child can make you conceive traits that you previously hope you will never have.

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Something to think about for 2010

Sometimes a new year dawns with barely a quiet whisper, other times it arrives with a shout. This year I spent the early morning of the New Year all by myself in the study, drafting out a schedule for the next few weeks. Probably a harbinger that this new year is filled with lots of tasks ahead of me. Some which I look forward to expectantly and others I just want to procrastinate on. Just barely two days into the new year, my to-do-list is already filled to the brim. No doubt that this year will be a busy year for me.

The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop and get my bearings. It’s so easy to move along a busy week to another without ever stopping to think about where we’re heading and the direction we are taking.

Here are some questions from here (great for Christians, even some for non-Christians) for me to start with;

1. What’s the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life this year?
2. What’s the most important way you will, by God’s grace, try to make this year different from last year?
3. What’s habit would you most like to establish this year?
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and what will you do about it?
5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?
6. What skill do you most want to learn or improve this year?
7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year?
8. What single blessing from God do you want to seek most earnestly this year?
9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?
10. What area of your life you most need growth, and what will you do about this year?

Some which I already have the answer and others for me to think about these couple of days. For now, I am only sure of one thing for this new year. My God is good, and has gone ahead to pronounce that 2010 is a year of Victory, a year for Increase, a year for Restoration and a Year for Favor for me and my family!

I earnestly hope you will also be filled with as much hope as I have for the year 2010.

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10 days to Christmas


Christmas deco at Nana’s place; she has a real fir tree this year, decorated with her quaint ornaments.

Time for me to start losing some weight, before putting on more pounds after the long-anticipated Christmas eve feast.

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