June 2015 – Of Plane Rides and Reunions

June was a month of airplane rides and reunions.

For someone who detest taking planes, it was quite a feat that the boy and I took the plane a total of 6 times last month.



This is my 3rd trip to Manila in 1.5 years, and I like the city and the convenience of where dh’s apartment is located. But I haven’t changed my mind about not moving there even for the short term. It’s a liveable city, however it can get rather dull for a 8 year old.

If I didn’t have a child, I would move over to stay with hb in a heartbeat, especially since I am not an outdoorsy sort of person and crafting can keep me occupied. But I would likely become introverted after being holed up in a house for too long, and hard not to put on weight, since international cuisine selections are good and affordable.


June1Photo taken at a Thai restaurant (Thai food in Manila is pretty good!) in Greenbelt Shopping Mall


One new thing that I discovered from this recent trip, is that Manila is a ‘pen and markers haven’, if you like to doodle or draw. There is a vast range of brands of pens and markers at their local bookstores. I suppose when the market is big, retailers can bring in a greater selection of merchandise. It just highlights why I hardly ever shop in Singapore anymore.

Being in Manila is really about enjoying family reunions, even if it means for only 2 weeks when I have to cook, clean, wash and iron like what a regular SAHM will do daily. Times like these, I am reminded how I am not cut out to be a SAHM, having to do all the chores at home continually, for months without feeling exhausted or eventually, resentful. I really 佩服 the resilience in fellow moms who have made the choice to do this for the long haul.

On the flight back to Singapore, we encountered the worse turbulence in the flight. The plane dipped at least 5s, plane tilted to the right at least 20 degrees. Food trays flew off the table, there were passengers with food remains on their face and clothes and everyone on board was visibly shaken. While it happened, the boy urgently exclaimed to me, “Mummy, pray!” And I did, and my thought at that moment was, “God, I am not done with what You have called me to do, I still have to go Jakarta!”



The boy and I only rested for a day in Singapore, before flying over to Jakarta the next day. Despite being shaken after the flight back from Manila, we were all ready to take on our next leg of the trip.

What do we do in Jakarta? I always tell people when they ask, that I am visiting friends. With each Jakarta trip. I get to have fellowship with friends, and get to know new friends.

The boy was thrilled to have gotten to know new friends from this trip and spent a day at Kidzania Jakarta with his friends.



My trip to Jakarta is not like a typical mission trip, I don’t build houses, feed the poor or teach children. I share my personal testimony and I am always given the opportunity to teach and pray for individuals. There has been no open door for me to share my testimony in Singapore, but the door is wide open for me in this other country, so I go where God sends me to, usually to women fellowship groups.

I get so encouraged by the ladies that I meet as they have so much love for Christ and are so interested to talk about the things of God. It has been confirmed by a couple of bible teachers and pastors who visit Indonesia regularly that this country has been chosen by God to bring in revival for Asia.

I am so humbled that I am being led to this country for a specific call and assignment, and even more humbled when I receive personal messages from individuals like this who are edified and encouraged by my sharing. As messages like this always prove that it is not me, but His glory and ability works through me;

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The boy and I are planning some trips back to Jakarta for the later half of this year.



Our Manila and Jakarta trips were planned for, but the Phuket trip was really last minute. Dh and I only decided to take a short family vacation to Phuket, and managed to get the air tickets and accommodation booked 2 days before we arrived at the resort.

Being a stickler for routines and schedules, to do something like that was rather free-ing, and it was a good concluding trip for the month.

Phuket was a reminiscing trip for dh and I. The last time that we stayed at this same resort; Angsana Laguna Phuket was in 2009, when Kyle was only 2 years old.

June holidays 2015 combi

June is a low season for Phuket and will be one of the best times to visit as there are less crowds. There are no queues for tables at breakfast and hotel facilities like the pool, in this case, all 300+ meters of the pool was only shared with 5-10 other hotel guests. The weather was perfect for all the 4 days we were there.

We transferred to a pool room after the 2nd day, and we were able to jump right into the pool from the room’s patio and spend the late mornings – late afternoons playing pool games or just leisurely swimming in the pool.


The last time our family had a getaway together was in 2010, and in comparison to vacations needing long drives, dh and I have concluded that we really like laid-back holidays. Just basking in the sun, swimming and leisurely having our meals. So looks like it will be another resort to go to for the next family vacation :) Boracay? Or maybe Maldives?

This June was likely the most mobile (and exhausting) vacation month the boy and I have experienced so far, but I am thankful that we have been so blessed by quality of family time we spent together and been surrounded by the fellowship of friends.

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All you need is less

The past week I came across this article that provided some fodder for thought.

Two and a half years ago, I was forced to give up most of the things in my home, which felt like a big part of my flesh has been cut. But it turned out to an extremely effective way to clear the clutter and to kill my hoarding habits.

If I wasn’t forced to downsized my living environment, I would have stayed a hoarder (especially for clothes, crafting and home-learning materials and kitchen items). Hoarding1

Hoarding is a common trait, especially so for females! It is an accepted trait and not considered a problem, until your home looks like a home featured in one of the episodes of ‘Hoarding – Buried Alive’ from the TLC channel. Besides, most of us will think that hoarding isn’t a problem since we still have some space at home to store stuff.

Screen Shot 2014 11 28 at 5 47 52 PMEven a Disney Princess thinks hoarding is neat,

Look at this stuff, Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, The girl who has everything? …But who cares? No big deal, I want more!

I had so many logical reasons to justify my hoarding habits, reasons like ‘I can’t bear to throw it’, ‘this item can be used for some other uses’, ‘or buy more now since it seems more economical, as I will eventually use it’.

In reality, I have never use those things that I hoarded for many years.

Hoarding used to be linked to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) based disorder. But research have shed further insight to Hoarding to be linked to depression, a need for comfort due to fears and anxiety, insecurity and even attention deficit disorder.

So Hoarding is an issue that is linked to the heart? Sounds like this condition may be a result of the vacuums existing in a heart that need stuff, lots of stuff, to temporary fill.


Hoarders6Hoarding Infographic extracted from here

Need help to deal with hoarding tendencies?

Here are 10 questions to help you with decluttering, and hopefully restrict the tendencies to buy in bulk.

And if you ever get tempted to buy more to hoard, join Pinterest, it is digital hoarding the healthier way without taking up extra space at home.

Anti hoarding

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A little spot of Haven in Upper Bukit Timah

When I first saw the theme that Sarah created for the latest series of blog hops. I thought that it will be really interesting to read about wat the other SMBs have to say about their spots in Singapore. It took me a while to convince myself that I could write anything mildly interesting about the area I live.

The thing is where I live isn’t just ordinary. It’s just well…boring and familiar. Maybe it’s the familiarity that makes my eyes gloss over the surface of things, thinking that I have seen these things before. 

Getting into the swing of this exercise, I realized that walking around the neighborhood helped me to dig deeper into things, challenge myself to re-discover my surroundings.

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So what I really love about this area where I live? Let me list the things…


I love having nature at my doorstep and squirrels, iguanas, strange looking birds and monkeys for neighbors. Just a stone’s throw away from my home is Dairy Farm Nature Park, Bukit Batok Nature Park, Hinhede Park and Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.



The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve retains the only substantial area of rainforest left in Singapore and has the most diverse ecological system in the world. It is a botanical collecting ground for more than a century. An eminent conservationists has even pointed out before, that the number of tree species growing in a mere hectare of the Reserve is more than the total number of tree species in all of North America!

There are so much to see and explore in these nature parks. All you need are a set of eyes that see and not just look, and God’s wonderful creations will not cease to amaze you with their intricate little details.

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I love that there are no lack of eateries to choose from. Like many residential areas in Singapore, there are many places in the vicinity where you can find local food any time of the day.

There’s Rail Mall, where there are two 24 hour cafes serving local fare, pubs serving bar food, and a supermarket, sandwich cafe, Thai fusion food, as well as a Italian restaurant.



And Cheong Chin Nam Road opposite Beauty World Centre,


Where you can find Chicken Rice, Korean Food, Chinese ‘Zi Char’ or simple Malay fare at a 24 Hour Prata shop which has a really extensive menu of Malay food. My favorites at the Malay Prata shop include, the height-defying ‘Prata Tissue’ and mouth watering ‘Ayam Pemyat’.






– Memories at the Old Ford Factory

I love that despite all the new developments in the area, there are still that little bit of history and nostalgia retained here.

Nestled along the junction right before Hume Avenue, is a building whose history dates back to 1941. The Ford Factory’s origins started as the first vehicle assembly plant for Ford in Southeast Asia, and more notably was used as the venue for the formal surrender of Malaya by the British to the Japanese.

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The Ford Factory was rebuilt in 2004-05, and it serves as an permanent exhibition gallery of the memories and reflection of the hardships faced by the SIngaporeans who lived through the darkest years of Singapore history during the Japanese occupation.

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Right behind the Old Ford Factory building is a quiet garden known as Syonan Garden. Where you will find an assortment of “food crops” like Tapioca, sweet potato, yam, banana, coconut, pineapple and rice, crops which were grown during the Japanese Occupation.

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– The Old Railway

We used to take short hikes into Dairy Farm Nature Park, wandered off the beaten track to a little bridge where we will be able to see the KTM train passed below the bridge. I can still recall the sight of the train and sound of the train driver blasting the horn, each time he caught a glimpse of people on the bridge looking down to the passing train below.


The old Railway ceased operations in July 2011 and only 400m of the railway tracks were retained. This is part of the Upper Bukit Timah track, next to the classic cast iron bridge on the far right of Rail Mall.

Looking to the southbound side of the tracks, all that is left of the track is a long gravel track stretching for miles ahead.



– Beauty World Centre

Way back in the 60s, Beauty World Park was a popular shopping destination in Singapore, where there were over a hundred stalls that sold fresh produce, household items, textiles and stationery. The park experienced many incidences of fire during that time and thus most of the stall-holders were relocated to the Beauty World Centre. The former Beauty World Park site is now an open field and car park.


There is an open air food centre on the 4th floor of Beauty World Centre where you can find yummy Satay Bee Hoon, Mutton Soup, Thai Food, Handmade noodles and Xiao Long Pau.

I can’t help but ending off this post with food again, I guess the way to most Singaporeans’ hearts have to be most definitely through their stomachs :)

So u know who to find next time if you do come around Upper Bukit Timah after your nature or nostalgia walk and need a lunch/dinner partner, I will be more than happy to join you for a good meal!


This post is part of the series of posts hosted by Sarah of The Playful Parents. Do check out the rest of the blog posts in this series to uncover all the little gems found in various neighborhoods of Singapore.

Loving My Spot SG edition


The next stop on our ‘Loving My Spot’ blog train will be Regina of MummyMoo.

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Regina documents her little family as they grow as one, charting everyday mundane events to milestones that will chart the shape of their future. She is enjoying being a wife and mother, two personae that she has never thought of becoming – in the past. She takes pride in being a working class stiff trying to be a first class Mum!

Regina shares her thoughts about parenting and personal experiences as : MummyMoo




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