What he wants, what I want

I thought we should take a break from “child-initiated activities” and give “Mummy directed activity’ another try today.

We did an alphabet activity with the letter M, with some pasting of marcaroni pieces and paper on the letter. I tried to demonstrate how to use the glue and my stubborn tot just went “me do!”, grabbed the glue tube from my hands and insisted that he did it himself.

From how things were going for the next 15 minutes, epiphany hit me that Vygotsky’s social development theory is only applicable to docile kids and not strong-willed ones in this instance.

After battling with the marcaroni pieces, glue and paper. We jointly completed the ‘M’ activity for the day.


At least at the end of it, he knows the letter and its phonetic sound. Despite being an ‘active learning’ activity, it is not exciting nor fun enough to get him interested. K sure gives a new spin to the words ‘active learner’.

We will just have to re-visit ‘M’ for another day and maybe, ‘mosquito masks’ will be much more exciting for a tot. I am keeping my fingers crossed that school next year will have enough interesting activities to keep this tot interested.

This is just one of those days, that K just wants to do what he wants. And pretend play is all he wanted this morning.


Somehow, he equates going to the zoo = wearing a hat. So he told me he wanted to “go zoo” today, wore his hat and did his usual stuff around the house.


Wore the hat while waiting for his lunch

Wore his hat while having lunch
Some days, I have just got to go with what K wants.
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Take me…me…

not the clothes!

That was certainly what K wanted to say when he posed for the camera, while I was busy taking pics of the clothes…


“I can smile for you…”


“Tilt my head a little for effect”


“Throw in a coy smile”


“Ta-dah…my signature smile!”
It’s interesting how it can be so tough during the other times to get him to look at or stay still for the camera, when he is the subject.
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Tending to the terrific twos

The terrific 2 is back once more,
when K spent the morning yesterday drawing with sidewalk chalk.
The highlight of the morning was surely clean up time.


Child-friendly ‘floor cleaner’; Dettol hand wash was used.
I may be an advocate for my child’s labour around the house,
but never so careless to expose him to toxic household cleaners
However, the fun had to end once he started giving himself a scrub down.


We started ‘homeschool’ again this morning,
since lately K has shown some interest in alphabet phonics.
It was a good 20 minutes of pasting truck stickers
dabbling with paint, making train tracks with thomas
and pasting the tape on T.


Until he fell backwards on his stool.
Seemingly, he forgot that he was sitting on a stool without a backing.
He bit his tongue, started bleeding from his mouth.
Being a brave boy as he usually is,
he only cried for a brief moment.
Grimaced when he moved his tongue around the mouth.
He then asked for ice cubes to suck.
I told him to stick out his tongue,
and saw two nicks on both sides of his tongue.
No panic, as my little warrior seemed unfazed by the injury.
He went back to his T activity,
until he fell on his backside and cried once again.
So much for the alphabet activity for today.

Dh was woken up by the commotion.
Went into a panic,
exclaimed that the biting of his tongue is not a small injury.
Showed me his tongue scars from a childhood injury,
and told me to call the p.d.

Found out from p.d. that bonjela will do fine,
But there will be a bit of stinging.
And also take note of fever that may develop during healing.

Had to go to a pharmacy to get bonjela
On the way stop by at McDs for lunch.
Dh and I figured K needed a treat,
afterall he needed a little respite,
from the trauma he experienced this morning.

At lunch, the terrific 2s prove he was back again,
charming the socks off 2 elderly ladies sitting nearby.
All he did was to make constant eye contact,
flashed his toothy grin and offered his fries.

First came the mini mentos,
Afterwards 2 pieces of preserved plums,
and the finale came in a big piece of coffee-cheese flavoured bread.

Without a doubt, I rejoice to the return of the terrific two.

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