More playdates, school can wait

I only live like less than 15 minutes away from the zoo, so I figured that it is about time I made the effort to get more mileage out of our ‘Friends of the zoo’ membership.

Lay Keng and I arranged for a ‘zoo playdate’ for Seth and K this morning and the boys enjoyed themselves tremendously. Like usual, K always gives his usual smile/smirk/grimace whenever he notices the camera. In fact, lately I don’t even need to ask him to smile for the camera. I wonder when will he ever start to show his ‘natural’ smile.




It is such a blessing for K to have a friend who is of the same age, that lives so near us. The boys get along so well with one another, as the both of them have fairly mild temperaments (although K does get a little bossy sometimes). Having these regular get togethers will most likely mean that I do need to be such a hurry to start K in pre-nursery early next 2010.


After reading about how some blogger moms are having such a hard time settling their little boys into nursery, I am starting to re-consider if it will be really necessary to get K to start school in early January next year. It is so heart-breaking to hear about how the little ones are so sad to be left at school and wail for their moms. I don’t know how I will be able to deal with that next year. Besides, K has not shown any signs of toilet-readiness, as he is totally not affected by a heavy diaper and have no interest in using the potty, no matter what I do to try to make him interested in a ‘big boy’ activity.

Probably school can wait, at least for the first 6 months of 2010. It will just mean more playdates with Seth, more time with Mummy in the mornings and toilet training can be postponed for a little longer.


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“Not yet.”

“Not yet,” is one of the many words K has recently learn to use.

He had so much fun at his playdate with Seth yesterday, until he was not willing to go home.
“Time to go home.”
“Not yet,” K said.
“10 more minutes and we will go home for lunch.”
After 5 minutes, I said,
“5 more minutes, we have to go.”

I was lucky that he was in one of his well-behaved, “willing to listen” moods, as he willingly took his toys and followed me to the door.


This afternoon, was a totally different story…

“Time to take your nap.”
“Not yet, counting bears.”


He kept himself busy for the next 10 minutes sorting the coloured bear counters that I recently got him .


“We can play again after you wake up from your nap.” “Not yet,” he repeated.

He gave me a grin and then said, “How much,” then ran over and grabbed his the cash register toy and shopping trolley. He probably assumed that nap time could be postponed if he distracted mummy with another toy.

“10 more minutes, we finish ‘scanning’ the groceries, you have to go and sleep. After 5 minutes passed, “5 more minutes then we have to take your nap.” “Not yet,” he answered. After the 5 minutes ended, he took the toy register, put it into the trolley and push out to the hall. “Play here.”

“Ok, time to stop now,” was my reply, then for the next 5 minutes he sprawled himself on the ground and threw a tantrum. After a while, when he realised that his tantrum was not working, he stood up, walked towards his room and climbed into his bed.

Time is an abstract concept for K, and he seems to be finding ways to get around it. Maybe it is time to get a timer to help him understand the concept of time, especially when he does get a tendency to get angry/frustrated when I tell him that it’s time to stop playing.

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Charming Easter

“Last book for tonight,” I said to K when we were reading his bedtime stories.
When I finished the book, he scrambled to the shelf to pick 2 books.
He picked up the first book, flashed me a dazzling smile and nodded his head.
“No more K, time to sleep.” Although I have to admit that his proposition was rather hard to resist.
K tried again with the other book, this time, his smile was more charming than the previous one, and nodded with head with more insistence.
Of course, I did not fall prey to my toddler’s persuasive ‘tactics’.

Darn…where did he learn to do that?

happy easter 2009

Posing with ‘Easter cookies+flowers’, made by Nana

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