A walk in the park

The weather has been really hot lately. However, so as to give some variation to the playdates, Lay Keng and I, together with our boys, Seth and K, went ahead to brave the blazing hot sun and spent some time in Botanic Gardens.

We came armed with hats, sunblock, snacks and drinks for the boys and both Seth and K sure showed that they were totally unperturbed by the hot and humid weather.

We decided explore the park near the Cluny Road entrance, to give the boys the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of nature.

K, started his walk in the park by chasing after the pigeons, and gleefully caused distressed to the birds which were at first, peacefully feeding on scraps dropped by other visitors. This caused a little bit of distress to me, as I have this fear of pigeons flying too close.

Pigeons, here I come! from Rachel T on Vimeo.

Seth and K went on a fish feeding frenzy when they reached the pond. K was so overly enthusiastic when he fed the fish, that I found myself having to hold him back a couple of times to prevent him from falling into the pond. The toddlers ended up sharing their muffins and cereal with the fish, turtles and swan in the pond. Both mummies agreed that the animals and amphibians in the pond were more keen on anything else, except the fish food that we purchased from the Visitors area.


It is K’s turn to get fed…

I had to be predictable and took a pic of the two of them sitting on the long bow branch of the Tembusu tree. A 100-over year old tree which some of us might recognise, as it is featured on the back of the Singapore $5 note and a common feature seen in wedding photographs taken at Botanic Gardens.


“We are best of friends, you know?”

It turned out that I wasn’t the only one that was keen on getting a pic of the two boys sitting on the tree…

Sitting on a tree from Rachel T on Vimeo.

There were a group of Ngee Ann Poly students together with their lecturer, who found K and Seth to be intriguing subjects to try out their photographic technique of symmetry.

As seen in the video, K gamely alternated between his two favorite expressions for photo-taking; his smile/grimace and ‘coy handsome face’. I am even more convinced now that K has a natural flair for acting and loves to show off when there is an ‘audience’. Most likely it will be “Speech and Drama Lessons, here we come!”, when he turns 3 or 4 years old.


It’s that smile/grimace again

When we started walking back in the late morning, K wanted to take a picture of Seth. It was really amusing to see two toddlers imitating what adults do; Seth posed for the picture and K became the ‘photographer’. Too bad I did not have another camera on hand to catch the boys in action.

This is the photo that K took for Seth…


Looks like his photography skills are better than mine; he doesn’t even need an SLR to have that ‘blurred background’ effect or use photoshop to create that.

My toddler never fails to amaze me.

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A little reminder

After months of ‘over-browsing and reading’, K’s favorite ‘nice book’ (Richard Scarry’s Best Storybook Ever) pages started falling off from its spine.

I glued the pages of his book back and when I told him that his nice book has been fixed, he turned to me, gave me a hug and said, “Thank you, mummy.”

All that frustrations and impatience that I have experiencing the past couple of days with my strong-willed and stubborn toddler, dissolved into thin air with that hug.

This is just a little nudge to remind me, that the challenges that I have been encountering in my parenting journey thus far is definitely worth it.

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Experiencing a ‘brain freeze’ while enjoying his favorite treat
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