On potty-training

‘Toilet training is best delayed until the months following the second birthday, when the child can consistently identify the signals from a full bladder or rectum and wait for the right place to open these muscles – physiological developments essential for the child to cooperate with training. A toddler who stays dry for several hours at a time, stops playing during urination or a bowel movement, and is bothered by a wet or full diaper show signs of readiness.’
(Berk, 2008, Infants, children and adolescents.)

Recently I have been asked by someone if K is potty trained, when I answered not yet, her answer to me was, “My sons have been potty-trained since they were 9 months old!” Good for her! She must have saved alot of money on diapers.

I have started initiating K to the potty, starting with books like ‘Everyone Poops’ by Taro Gomi. A book that takes a matter-of-fact attitude towards the bowel activity and its outcome. For a toddler, it is informative and it has worked to ensure that K has regular bowel movements every 2 days. But for me, this probably qualifies as ‘toddler toilet humour’, quite literally, with its quirky illustrations.






Cognitive association without muscular development of bladder or bowel control does not help. K understands the concept but has shown that he is still not physically ready to be potty-trained. He goes about his normal activities with a heavy diaper and wants to sit on the potty if he sees dh or me using the toilet. He then ends up sitting 5-8 minutes on the potty waiting for the bladder movement to happen. From that few times he has asked to use the potty, he has only succeeded twice. This is a sure indication that he is still not able to tell if he has a full bladder.

Before I am able to start K on a ‘potty-going’ routine (morning, after meals, before nap time), his reply has been “Don’t want,” whenever I ask him if he wants to use the potty. I have also decided against using ‘underwear training method’, until I see more signs of potty readiness.

‘Children whose parents postpone intensive training until the early to middle of the third year are generally fully trained without four months. Starting before 27 months simply makes the process take longer.’

(Blum & Nemeth, 2003, Pediatrics 111)

I have decided that K can dictate his own pace for potty-training, and I will not be pressured by the 90% of 2 year olds out there who are already in their training pants.

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K’s new technology milestone…he has learnt how to use the mouse. Mummy, the wannabe techie is so proud of his newly acquired skill.

Techno tot from Rachel T on Vimeo.

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Take the heat off

Recently another opportunity came by for me to potentially increase my income.
It was all very exciting and tempting.
It came at an opportune time,
since I have been thinking lately, how I am slowly losing my relevance to the working world.

The SAHM honeymoon period is finally over,
after 10 months without a job and staying home with K,
I wonder how much I am missing out by not working full time.

Probably not much, I try to convince myself, since the economy is in doldrums.
This chance at making some extra money seemed extremely attractive.
So I was all geared up to start working on it and put in my best effort
…all for like two days.

My rational mind sounded the alarm bells,
I asked myself if I will have enough time to manage this,
and concerned dh asked questions like “Is there long term sustainability?”
Besides, my online business just started and it is keeping me busy enough.
Then I think about K,
about how he was the key reason why SAHM status came about.

Even with newly acquired WAHM status,
I still have a healthy work life balance,
since my time at work is limited to the hours when K is asleep.

I should really stop worrying about tomorrow,
since today, there is enough to think about.
Somehow, things will have a way of working out in the end.
For all I know, I may never need to be a salaried employee in the corporate rat race?
Well, life is always easier when u see your glass as half full.

I still think it is worthwhile not to be a FTWM, when I can always be around to take videos of random things such as this:

How K deals with the heat from Rachel T on Vimeo.

My little ‘ice chomper’. It is terribily bad for his teeth, however, I understand his liking for chewing ice, as I love chewing on ice especially on a hot day.

I have just purchased an annual fee of USD$59 for VIMEO plus account. Got tired of waiting for my videos to upload with a free account. Thus, so as to armotise this investment, it will be more random videos in this blog moving forward. Besides, dh just reminded 2 weeks ago to take more videos of K, as videos are one of the best memories to keep from K’s adorable toddler age.

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