If only…


“If I can choose, I would really love to have ice cream everyday after every meal!”
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Where is?

K has hit the ‘Why?’ stage.
His toddler version of ‘Why/Where is it?’ is “Where is?”
When he points to something and says “This one. Don’t know.” It means “What is this?”

Usually for every curious toddler with plenty of “Where is?”. Patience is a virture, and lots of restrain is needed from sprouting nonsensical answers, especially when the day is teeming with plenty of “Where is-s?”

where is

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Children are a joy.
Only when I experience the frustrations of dissension every once a while
Then I know how to appreciate the simple, yet profound joy they bring.


All your children shall be taught by the Lord,and great shall be the peace of your children.
Isaiah 54:13

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