“Not good boy”


How do you respond to a two year old that rather say that he is, “not good boy,” who prefers not to follow instructions and do things his own way?

That’s how defiant this little guy can be.

So the early childhood experts were not exactly correct when they wrote that children of this age like to please their parents and caregivers. Apparently, this does not apply to a strong-willed toddler.

I have realised that only reasoning in this form works with him. “Not good boy? A naughty boy will not get to eat ice cream. A naughty boy will get the cane when he does not listen…”

Time out does not work with K’s temperament. Natural consequences and removal of priviledges have worked better to correct misbehaviour. And when the little ‘stubborn mule’ in him starts acting up, these words said calmly, “I will take the cane,” will be the most effective.

I have not used the cane on him, and I don’t intent to. So far, when K hears the loud ‘twack’ of the cane hitting against the door, he knows he has reached his limits and will stop his misbehaviour.

I am not proud to say that I resort to threats when disciplining my child. But when I think about how similar his temperament is to mine (in fact, more obstinate). And that a child is not born with a moral compass or the knowledge to know his actions are folly, setting reasonable limits and discipline is necessary in bringing K up.

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Never let go

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Never let go by Casting Crows

“Oh no…never let go, na na na, na na na.” That’s how K sings it.
This song is K’s favorite and only song on his playlist when we are in the car.

5 times on repeat on the way to swimming, and then 5 more times on the way back home.


Thank goodness that he has got pretty good taste in music; meaningful lyrics and a catchy tune. I am not sick of the song although I have been listening to it at least 5-10x a day, well, not yet…

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Ready for the potty

Just when I was beginning to think that it will be a while before K starts to use the potty.

Potty training started yesterday, as dictated by K. He surprised me when he said that he wanted to wear underwear and told me he wanted to use the potty. For the rest of the day, he showed alot of enthusiasm when using the potty.

He still tends to forget when he gets caught up playing, and has to be reminded every other hour to use the potty. But overall, I think it has been a pretty good 1st day attempt at potty training.


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