What K has been busy with…

K made cupcakes for the first time on Friday and made a huge mess. He enjoyed himself during the process, especially when he got the batter all over the table while using the electric mixer, and got to help himself to the candy and chocolate sprinkles.


Since K had so much fun helping out, we will be looking at making more goodies. The only challenge I have with the finished product is that it takes a bit of time for us to finish it up. We will be so sick of cupcakes after this week! I have been having a cupcake for breakfast, K has been having cupcakes for breakfast and tea since friday.

K has been asking me to get him a helmet lately, as he is so convinced he needs one as ‘Speed Racer’ wears one and so do all the motorcycle/scooter riders that he sees on the roads. When we got him the sports helmet last night, he was all enthusiastic to put it on and wore it even while brushing his teeth.


His enthusiasm is such a far cry from the behaviour he exhibited 1 year ago, when he used to have a dislike for hats.


He continues to surprise me with his capacity to learn and remember things, as well as being so vocal and candid about it. Just yesterday, when I forgot to say grace before eating, K said, “Mummy, forgot grace.” And when he is asked to take his afternoon nap, he reply will be, “Don’t want to sleep now, do other things.”


Despite my attempts to speak proper english to K, he picked up some ‘Singlish’ expressions from Nana. Being as cheeky as he is, he will say “Aiyoh”, then giggle after saying it.

As for potty training, K has told me that he wants to “Wear diapers, don’t want underpants and use the potty” for now. Sigh…we will just have to take a break from potty training and will try again in another 2 months.

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No walk in the park

When I asked K which animal he wanted to see at the zoo this morning. He told me, “Giraffe”. As we got to the giraffe enclosure, he was all gamed to feed the giraffe.


My bold little one showed no fear for the ‘gentle giant’ and only showed a slight flicker of disgust when the giraffe’s over-enthusiastic long purple tongue left a bit of saliva on his left hand.

K is displaying more of his boldness and need for independence. He now tells me, “Don’t hold hands”, and prefers to walk by himself. I find myself getting really naggy as I say these words repeatedly when we are out of the house; “Stay next to mummy…don’t walk away…where are you going…turn back…watch your step…come here…”


Two is a really adorable age, however it does get really challenging sometimes. From the words of a really experienced mom, Lay Keng (Seth’s mom, she has 4 children), “Persevere in your discipline and set limits, don’t give in. It will surely get better once he turns three.” I really hope so.

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Haircut milestone for Mr. 27 month old

K went for his ‘long-dreaded’ (if there is a word as long-awaited, this is the opposite) haircut on friday. The past few haircut experiences for K have been very painful for him and I, especially since he will emerge from every single haircut all upset and tearful.

This time my helper and I were in for a pleasant surprise. As my helper stood at the side, looking very apprehensive, since most of the previous haircuts K will be on her lap and I will be the one restraining the hands and trying to calm him down. The both of us weren’t sure what was in store for us this time…

K asked to sit on the chair by himself, requested for “Thomas” to be played on the screen in front of him and sat calmly through the whole haircut without any resistance. He grinned widely and exclaimed “Ah!” when he saw his new hairstyle in the mirror, right after when the stylist styled his fringe and said “Finished!”

Like any proud parent, I gushed over him after the haircut and was extremely enthusiastic to get him a new puzzle and ball from the toy shop afterwards.


K looking cool with his new hairstyle

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