Mummy go away

K : Go away Mummy
M : Do u need my help?
K : No need, go…go mummy, smelly
M : Call me when u you are done, ok?
K : Ok…go mummy

Except for the occasional, “Mummy, want to change book.” K has decided he wants to use the toilet for his ‘big business’ and has started becoming self-conscious about it. I managed to sneak this shot of him sitting on the toilet bowl, engrossed in his book.


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Friend n Fish


I am really starting to appreciate the ‘ulu-ness’ of my address, which is in the vicinity of the Singapore Zoo and just a short drive to numerous nature parks and farms. This time round, K met up with Theo and we visited Qian Hu Fish Farm. Theo’s mum, Sharon, who is a mummy blogger as well, coincidentally live in the same estate as we do.

K attempted ‘longkang’ fishing for the first time, but that didn’t retain his interest for too long, as the fishes were darting around the pond too quickly. He got a little de-motivated when he only managed to catch a fish after 20 minutes. He much preferred to feed the koi in the nearby pond, and it was quite a sight to see the koi scrambling on top on one another to get to the food.


Overall review of the farm? Great for fish lovers, especially with its good variety of different breeds of fishes in tanks. ‘Longkang’ fishing experience will be more fun for the little ones only if they are able to get their feet wet in the ‘longkang’ (i.e., Bottletree Park in Sembawang). For a similar fish feeding experience with better landscaping, Hort Park will be a better option.

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K’s talk : Adult


K : I am a adult
Me : Oh you are not an adult yet, you are a child or a kid now. You only become an adult when you are 21 years old. You want to be an adult?
K : Yes.
Me : Why do you want to be an adult now?
K : So that I can be tall.
It must be quite annoying seeing the world from his eye-level.
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