Another birthday for K

Dh requested for Teppenyaki and we decided on Shima @ Goodwood Park Hotel. He had his fill of beef teppenyaki, while I stuffed myself with salmon sashimi and K loved the salmon teppenyaki and miso soup. We were all ‘afflicted’ with garlic breath for the rest of the day, but it was well worth it for we had a wonderful lunch.


Both wore the disposable bib given by the restaurant and and went to see the fishes in the tank outside its premises.


The last time we had a teppenyaki meal was when K was about 1 year old. He was rather fascinated when he watched the chef whip up our meal in full view.


No meal will be complete without dessert, and for K, it has to be vanilla ice cream.


No, it’s not his birthday today. But according to K, anyone from the family who celebrates his/her birthday will need to share their birthday with him. Which includes, allowing him steal the limelight and giving him the full responsibility of blowing the birthday candle.

Happy birthday my dear hubby Keith…K and I love you lots!

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