Do people still send cards these days?
With the advent of the internet, most prefer sending a simple greeting through social media, email or with an e-card, which is more convenient.
It’s been a challenge to think of what presents to buy for people who have everything. So with occasions like Mothers’ or Fathers’ Days and some birthdays too, I stopped spending on expensive gifts. But spend some time and effort to make something for my loved ones and close friends.
Handmade cards are definitely more personal and thoughtful, over sending an e-card or greeting over the internet. Often it can even seem like a part of a gift!
Nonetheless, cards commercially-made or handmade will still get thrown away at the end of the day, so I am rather selective who I make them for.
I personally have the preference for making interactive cards; cards that pop-up or have a 3D element, or have that special little feature to it to surprise the person who is receiving the card. Interactive cards are cute to look at and it is simpler than it looks to make.
Here’s sharing a tutorial to make a Father’s Day Card for that special Papa Bear in your child’s life or in your life
What you will need :
- Papa Bear with Tie print out (Download Fathers_Day_Papabear-1) on card-stock
- Construction Paper: 1 brown, 1 white, 1 green or yellow
- Scissors
- Penknife
- Glue or glue tape

5. Use a black fine-tip marker or gel-pen to draw the nose and mouth, and eyes for the various cut outs on white paper
6. You can use pattern paper (i.e., wrapping paper) to cut out a vibrant tie, or you can draw patterns on the tie.
7. Paste glue or double-sided tape at areas indicated below
8. Place the bear’s head and cut-out of the tie with the eyes together, and paste it on yellow/green construction paper.
This yellow/green construction paper has been folded into half and these cut-outs are pasted on the front of the card.
9. Paste the cut-out of the speech bubble next to the bear, and you can write a note to Papa in the speech bubble.
And there you have it, a Father’s Day card for Papa Bear!
Pull the Papa Bear’s tie gently…
and you can change his expression!
This card is easy enough for a pre-schooler to make, but you will have to help your pre-schooler when the penknife is needed to cut out the shapes of the bear’s eyes, and with the specific areas for gluing or pasting.
We are out of town this week appreciating family time with hb, and will be celebrating Father’s Day a week in advance, and have made this for two of our Papa Bears in our lives, dh and Grandpa.
To all Papa Bears reading this…Here’s wishing you a Happy Father’s Day in advance!