Silly things people do

K : Why are u angry with daddy sometimes?

Mom : Because sometimes people do silly things, including your daddy.

K : Like what silly things?

Mom : It is the same as when you do a silly thing, then mommy gets upset with you.

K : What silly thing did daddy do?

K : Like what?

Mom : Adults do silly things but it can be different from the silly things children do.

K : Like what? Like what?

K : Is it like when I dig my nose and eat my booger…Is it like that?

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  1. LOL! That sure is a silly thing. Was he just trying to dig what silly things Daddy did to make himself feel better?
    Sophie is now in her “why” stage and her incessant whys can really test my patience sometimes.
    Susan´s last blog post ..Port of Lost Wonder, Sentosa Island

    Rachel Reply:

    Yeah, it very strange how he likes to compare himself with his dad. Like when hb is on the com, he will say things like its not fair, daddy is on the com, why can’t I use the com. Like as if, dad is on equal privileges as he is.

    Hehe…enjoy the why stage. They ask really funny questions and give very entertaining answers as well, do jot them all down on your blog and share!

  2. Haha! Kyle is so cute! :)
    Emily´s last blog post ..Finally, I Watched a Great Movie!

  3. LOL!

  4. LOL. You’ve certainly got him curious :)