We have been given our first parent-child project assigned by his school; a flower pressing home-project. The kids will then be encouraged in class to do 'Show-and-Tell' to talk about the 'adventure' they had in the gathering the flowers and the process of flower pressing with their parent, subsequently, show a final product of a card/bookmark to the class. I discussed with Kyle on the options we could take and he was initially insistent on going to Dairy Farm Nature Park to do his flower picking activity, but the lazy mom convinced him that he could get the same flowers in the neighbourhood park.
We ventured into the park, he pedalled along with his bike, looking out for flowers on the wayside. I recalled a certain spot in the park that had many butterflies and wildflowers a while back, but this time round, we saw nothing but bushes of dull shrubs.. Either we missed the season for blooming flowers, or the people sent by National Parks Board have been working hard to weed out the wilflowers, so as to maintain their flower-less and lifeless bushes and plants.
The only flowers we saw were a couple of Lantanas as well as droopy almost dead-like looking ones like these on trees, which I figured had little of its beauty left to preserve in a flower pressing project.
The other flower that we spotted were Fragipanis…pungent smelling flowers. The irony was that they there were the only flowers that were spotted thriving in the park, and flowers which had the symbolism of funerals and death in some Asian cultures.
We tried, but were disapponted by how there was a lack of decent looking flowers in our neighbourhood park. And ended up taking the easy way out and bought Geberas from the nearest florist. Maybe we could have better luck if we went to Dairy Farm nature park instead. Well, at least the boy had some fun pedalling to and fro and around the park
I always love parent-child assignments from school.
Its another great bonding time. *smile*
.-= AngelineĀ“s last blog ..Child Allergy Rash =-.
It is
except that this time the project was not too successful. So far we seem to experience more success with our planned home projects together.