I am amazed by how persistent K can get lately.
Whenever we are at Daiso, K is allowed to buy an item. That day, he made his way to the shelf with all the children's toys and spent a couple of minutes deciding what he wanted. He took up a gun and ask, "Mummy, can I get this gun?" I have been rather insistent to stick to my decision that he will have no more toy guns added to his toy collection, especially since dh enthusiastically bought his first Nerf gun a couple of months back (he lives up to his indulgent daddy role). I told him, "No, no more guns. If you are going to chose a gun, I will walk away." Despite what I said, I watched him turned back to the shelf and he picked up a black gun. He did not even notice me walking away and hiding behind the next aisle. When he turned around to look for me, he noticed that I was no longer behind him and got a little worried. He then started calling for me a couple of times and burst into tears when I did not respond. I ended up letting him have his $2.00 gun and trying to calm him down for the next 10 minutes
A couple of days ago, while we were at a mall waiting for dh's turn to get his haircut. Dh (at his indulgent daddy best), decided to let K buy some lollipops from a vending machine. I told dh to wait till after his haircut to buy it for K, as K will have very little self-control, since we did not plan to let him have the lollipop until after his afternoon nap. As expected, K started repeating, "I want to eat…I want, I want…I want," for the whole 15 minutes when dh was getting his haircut. I said no countless of times, while grumbling loudly to dh, "See, it's all your fault. Now he refuse to take No for an answer." I persevere, did not give in, and K only stopped when dh finished his haircut and reprimanded him.
The age of persistance…it is easy to get frustrated and exasperated when faced with these situations, however what may seem to be a challenging trait at this moment, may be that very trait that will help shape my child be that determine adult that perseveres in the face of challenges. I just have to constantly remind myself to take it in my stride and try to curb my over-reaction.
Looks like he is asserting a lot of his authority… age of persistence, yes, very much!
.-= TinĀ“s last blog ..Teachers Day craft =-.
Yeah…very domineering and insistent at times. I am sure you have experienced this as well I believe
Actually, you shouldn’t have given in and get him the gun. You walked away cos he refused to listen and when you give in, he knows that this works and next time, he’ll try this method again. you can actually ask him to choose something else and if he insists on the gun, just tell him no and bring him out of Daiso.
(Jus my opinion from experience!)
It was quite hard to do that, when he had that ‘I thought mummy had abandoned me’ look when he was crying. My heart softened and I just gave in