I think I don't have an easy kid.
It started all the way from he was barely a 7 month old foetus. Who probably found that it was really dull being in the water-bag all day, and decided to force his way out. I had active labour contractions at 28 weeks and had to be hospitalised, was then prescribed pills to keep him in there and was on medical leave till the day he arrived at 36 weeks.
For 2 months, he was a colic baby and then for another 6 months refused to follow the sleeping routines set up for him. From 8 months, he decided that he disliked porridge and almost everything that he was given and continued his food strikes till he was almost 2 and a half. Even till today, he still refuses many many things.
At 3 years 3 months, despite training him to sleep through the night, he still wakes up at least twice at night and complains of night terrors (that's for a good day, the not-so-good days he will be waking up at least 5 times). He fusses like 50% of the time when he wakes up from his afternoon naps, when he has to brush his teeth in the mornings and when he has to take bath.
His home-learning has to carefully orchestrated and planned, he needs to be in a learning mood to be able to do anything for that day. He will exclaim very loudly 'It's boring or It's not fun," when the activity does not meet up to his standards. So I have to be extremely observant to catch his mood for that day.
As for discipline issues, I encounter lots of problems like any other parent of a strong-willed child.
Despite being such a challenging kid most of the time, he is still a joy to have.
It will be nice to have another child. Only if, I get a super-easy child that is like the total opposite of K, or, if K suddenly becomes this easy and sensible kid and I get the will-power to want to start everything from scratch. It will also be real nice if there are 48 hours in a day and I can survive with less than 4 hours of sleep daily.
Having time for K, myself and dh is extremely important (although dh always complains that I don't have enough time for him). I suppose I am just a bad multi-tasker or simply too focused on one task on hand. I just do not want to compromise and cannot imagine having a sibling for him now, or next year or the year after.
I can probably list at least 20 good reasons why I should have another child, but still I am not convinced or simply, I am just not brave enough to want to be a mom of two just yet.
Honestly? Having Kirsten just a year apart from Truett has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. The fun part is in the dynamics, the interaction between the both of them. I really enjoy watching them play and entertain one another (fights aside), it’s hilarious at times and has its “awshucks” moments too.
Of course I’m not telling you about the severe post-natal blues I had in those transitory periods trying to cope with 2 very young babies..
.-= Daphne´s last blog ..When your car smells like a boot, something fishy is going on =-.
I always think that moms who take on the challenge of having kids within 1 to 2 years of one another are extremely brave…bravo for making this decision!
Oh dear! The food strikes sound exactly like Jude! Hang in there… I think you’re doing so well as a mum, being able to sense his mood, to guide him, to patiently coach him into better behaviour. Like you’ve mentioned over at my post, we just have to keep asking God for strength! I’m also torn in two, wondering if it’ll be manageable if Jude has a sis/bro… since managing one fellow is so challenging already! Take care and keep trusting Him!
.-= Jus´s last blog ..Wild Wednesdays: Upper Peirce Reservoir =-.
I am trusting the Lord every single day…altho’ still yet reach the point to trust fully to go ahead to have another child
Hey, Rachel, I have two boys, and IF some doctor can gurantee the 3rd one to be girl, I will go for it. I grew up in a family of 3 siblings, I always imagine that my kids should have the similar though not the same environment as what I had. One will be too lonely when we, as a parents leave them eventually. Trust me, like Daphne said, there will be fun time though it might seem hard for you at this moment.
Maybe I am one for instant gratification, either that just a perfectionist. I want to be able to give my child quality and quantity of my time, and I know I will have the challenge to manage the time if I have another child. Either that it is just the genes talking, my siblings and I are like 6-7 years apart. My mom only had her 2nd child when I was 7 years old, citing the exact same reasons that I mentioned.
It’s hard to believe that he’s a picky eater, judging from how physically well-built he is
Well, you know what they say… when you have a difficult #1, your #2 is going to be a breeze! And vice-versa. Chloe is a relatively easy child, which is why I’m still hesitating on #2 haha!
.-= Chloe’sMummy´s last blog ..What’s For Lunch? Part 3 =-.
Maybe it is the cow’s milk that made him this way? Either that it is my husband genes. Hmm…I have to ponder over what you mentioned over the 2nd child, although I am still not convinced enough to want to take a chance yet