He’s that enthusiastic child in class that volunteers when the teacher asks if anyone wants to sing. The one that raises his hand and provides the answers to the questions that he knows how to answer. And goes “I want, I want!” whenever the teacher tells them that there will be a nice sticker for the child who can give the right answer.
He is also that child in class that attempts to be overly friendly to his classmate who quietly sits by himself. Sits too close to a little girl, then tries to hold a her hand and was spurned, accidentally steps on another child’s leg when he excitedly went up to the front of the class to tell his teacher that he has finished his colouring. And was a little too generous with his hugs when he said his goodbyes at the end of his class.
That’s my son.
He’s sociable, enthusiastic and hardly ever shy. However he is also that little neanderthal when it comes to his social graces. He wants to make friends in class, but his behaviour came across a tad bit irritating and aggressive. ‘Making friends 101’ role playing needs to get started now before he commences school and before he becomes that ‘notorious’ child in class, who gets a little too much attention from the teacher.
He is so cute! I’m sure he is the smartest in class. I glimpse through your learning blog and “wow!” your teaching method and materials are much much better and superior than those at schools. You really put in a lot of effort. Kudos to you!
Haha…I am not to sure about him being the smartest, but definitely the least shy for sure! Thanks for your compliment…I enjoy teaching Kyle and children of preschool age, besides, it’s a great way to put some of my Early Childhood knowledge to some use.
Wow! He’s so active, you must be letting him to interact a lots with others since young I guess?
.-= shuey´s last blog ..Sleeping on His Own =-.
Not really Shuey. Kyle only spends a little more time with my neighbour’s son, Seth, who is the same age as he is. Kyle is just a very sociable child.
hahaha he’s ready for school alright… just need to keep the over enthusiasm meted and he’ll be fine
at least he is unlike Tim who isn’t very friendly but a terror in class 😛
.-= mamabliss´s last blog ..Simply One Pot – Macaroni Soup =-.
I feel the word ‘Terror’, doesn’t quite go with Tim
Tim is active and inquisitive, definitely not a terror. He probably needs more guidance and time to learn how to behave in a group / social setting. Most kids are like little neanderthals when it comes to their behaviour in social situations.
Such a wonderful kid! I love being around kids that are of this nature… you can never be bored with them around. *wink*
.-= Angeline´s last blog ..hot Hot HOT! =-.
Thanks for the compliments Angeline. Kids of this nature can get to be quite a handful as well
both kyle and dylan is so similar in this aspect. =)
imagine him volunteer to stand beside his teacher while she takes attendance… during his FIRST day of school.
I have the same concern as you, as in other kids or even parents may find him annoying and bossy. too helpful and friendly at times.
Haha…having a kid that is enthusiastic is still in a way better than one that is unresponsive. So I try to keep his behaviour in check by doing role playing at home; like how he is not suppose to sit too close to other children (infringing into their personal space), or ask nicely if he wants to be their friends, like, “Can I be your friend and we play together?”
Aww… he really sounds like a sweet kid… I think your role playing would help him to understand how to behave around others… and over time most kids do learn how to "moderate" their responses based on the responses of others around them. At least I think so!
I think it works…I tried it for other situations and he seem to be able to learn how to respond the right way when it comes to the real encounter.
hey, role play is a good way! I'm gonna try it with Dyaln. =)
Rachel, do let me know if role playing with Dylan works for him as well