Dh always uses this excuse, “Mummy has to go out to work for a short while,” whenever I am out on a girls’ night out.
The next day after a girls’ night out…
K : Mummy go to work last night?
M : Yes, for a short while only.
K : I don’t like mummy to go to work?
M : Why?
K : Because I will miss mummy (complete with a sad face) Mummy don’t go to work ok, stay at home with me.
I had better treasure this response from K while it lasts, probably when he gets to primary school he might start asking me to go to work and get off his back.
yes we should treasure the moments with them now… they are naughty now but it's a phase we all have to go through. It does drive me up the walls at times, but when he gives me a kiss, all goes away