K Talk – Why mummy should not go to work.

Dh always uses this excuse, “Mummy has to go out to work for a short while,” whenever I am out on a girls’ night out.

The next day after a girls’ night out…

K : Mummy go to work last night?

M : Yes, for a short while only.

K : I don’t like mummy to go to work?

M : Why?

K : Because I will miss mummy (complete with a sad face) Mummy don’t go to work ok, stay at home with me.

I had better treasure this response from K while it lasts, probably when he gets to primary school he might start asking me to go to work and get off his back.

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  1. yes we should treasure the moments with them now… they are naughty now but it's a phase we all have to go through. It does drive me up the walls at times, but when he gives me a kiss, all goes away :)