Dh has always been full of spontaneity. Probably only when he met me that I started to mute that spontaniety in him. I am a creature of habit, often needs structure, loves schedules and I function like clockwork. In other words, not an exciting person at all, but probably good for bringing up a child.
It’s hard to tell at this point if K is like dad or he is like me. But as a toddler, he mostly thrives on routine. So it usually takes like a day like this with Dad that I will allow anything out of the ordinary.
It started this morning with skipping church, as K woke up late. We ended up having brunch at Jones the Grocer. A place which I wanted to try after reading fairly good reviews on yum.sg.
The review? Dh and I were sorely disappointed with the food, the breakfast set was overpriced and the sausages included in the set were barely edible. Service was bad, dh did not get his vanilla milkshake even when we finished the meal. K hardly ate anything. If he does not like the food in the cafe/restaurant, it is usually below par. As he enjoys most food, as long as it is not cooked at home.
We went on to borders and dh got some last minute christmas presents, then proceeded to Vivo City. Ended up having tea at sushi tei. K refused to sit at the table, insisted of looking at the ships at the harbour. Hb brought him outside the restaurant and toddler stated his preference that he wanted to stay outside. Thanks to hb’s spontaneity, he promised K a ride on the cable car if he returned to his seat and finished his meal.
K relented to hb’s request, ate so well and even asked for seconds. It seemed like hb’s promise of the cable car ride was really effective. Afterwards, I tried to convince K that he was tired and needed to go home to nap, but all he had in his mind was ‘Car’ (i.e., cable car). Hb was sure that if he did not fulfil his promise, he will lose some of his credibility with K. Although I wasn’t too certain that K understood that concept.
So we went ahead with dh’s spontaneous suggestion and took that risk of ending up with a cranky tot, who only managed a 1/2 hour nap in the car.
K was elated with the ride. I assumed he has been looking forward to a cable car ride, since he always exclaims loudly and excitedly points to the cable cars whenever we are at Vivo.The view from the cable car was not at all scenic, with all that construction that is going on the Sentosa island lately. Nonetheless, K had an enjoyable time looking at the view.
He was especially thrilled to bits when he saw this…
So thanks to hb spontaneity, K was rewarded with the rare view of seeing an assembly of 16 mixer trucks, the most number of the same kind of trucks that he has ever seen at one go. For a toddler that is so fond of trucks, I think this was probably the main highlight of K’s day.