When we got our flat, I really disliked this ‘breakfast counter’ thing that the previous owner put up. I always felt that it was a white elephant since the outside of the counter did not quite face the dining area, but the hall.
I have finally found a use for the ‘breakfast counter’. This year I am able to put up the Christmas decorations since I have the time, the house is less cluttered with no more other furniture that looks out of place and no one will comment when I put up these other frills in the house.
Since this year is planned to be a budget Christmas for us, I managed to get this mini Christmas tree and decos from Spotlight and Daiso. Will only be looking at a real fir tree once we have more space in the house. Regardless, I think these Christmas decos do create some Christmas mood for the home.
This year has not been the easiest year, with all the upheavals that dh and I have been experiencing so far. However God has been always good to us. Despite the recession setting in, I know that our family will be fully taken care of during these times. All we have to do is to rest in Him and let God be God.
“For this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord;
I will put My laws in their minds and write them on their hearts;