I am thirty-nine today.
Some women would prefer to keep their age a secret after the thirties, but I wear my ‘being on the wrong-side-of-thirty’ badge proudly. It has been an eventful 9 years being 30-something, a roller-coaster of a ride, but I can finally say that I have arrived.
The definition of ‘having arrived’ means to be a success and being famous. To be a success is subjective, and being famous is meaningless. There are many successful and famous people who haven’t discovered what their life purpose is, and haven’t found true contentment, despite their wealth and success.
My definition of ‘having arrived’ is the culmination of knowing my life purpose and finally finding peace and contentment.
I think a friend put it so aptly when I met her in Jakarta last week, “There is something about you that is so different from when I first got to know you in March last year. There is now this peace and joy within you.”
Indeed it is this peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace that can only be obtained when my full confidence is placed in a loving God and when I know how to be thankful in all circumstances. I have learnt to LET GO and LET GOD take over for all things.
The changes started when I started telling God, “Not my will anymore Lord, but let your will be done in my life!”
Often we humans have so much good things to say about Him, but our actions prove otherwise. We try to wrestle our own way, have a long list of things that we desire and ask for, and cannot trust that He can do far more abundantly beyond what we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Why are we so afraid to surrender our own will, to let His will take over for our lives? We may say that we trust God, but in reality, I think most of us don’t. In fact, most of us think we know better for our own lives and will prefer not to surrender that control that we have on our lives, over to God.
All I can testify reaching 39 years of age today, is that God is truly faithful, He is so good and loves His children.
I am filled with thankfulness as I am overwhelmed by the blessings (both spiritually and physically) God has given me since the start of this year. All it took from my end was full surrender and a realisation that I needed to align my life fully with His will for me, and go where He led me to.
He has once again proven that indeed He is an awesome God and I cannot help but to share this testimony of God’s faithfulness and love.
The icing on the ‘my cake’ turning 39 this year….
I have just collected the keys to a new home 2 days ago. Kyle and I will be moving out of my mom’s place, as we have got a new place, albeit temporary for the next 2 years, as hb and I will only be able to purchase a new place in 2017 due to stringent HDB rules. The boy and I are looking forward to more weekends to be spent with hb, as he will coming back to SG more frequently each month.
When dh first suggested that getting our own place last week, I told him that I was content with the current arrangement. But it didn’t take long for him to convinced me that it will be nice to have a new place to come home to. Following the next 3 days, we confirmed a place, then purchased the furnishing and appliances.
I haven’t been praying or expecting for a new home, since we moved out of our rented place in 2012. I just trusted God for things to happen in His perfect time. I didn’t expect our financial turnaround to happen so soon, and the amazing thing is, this is just the beginning of God’s restoration for our lives!
For quite sometime, I have avoided looking at Interior styling photos on Pinterest and that has been quite challenging especially since I love Interior Decorating. So with this, the passion for Interior decorating is officially re-ignited. So I will likely be blogging about Interior Decorating in the next few weeks 😛
It’s going to be a busy but fun last quarter of 2015 and I look forward to a joyful and content 40s to come. And I am glad that the term ‘mid-life crisis’ will continue to be a foreign term that I will never need to relate to.
Thanks for sharing, Rachel.
Indeed though most of us are Christians, not all of us put trust in GOD himself. Even sometimes, I will have this thinking that man controls his life.
I also hope for turnover soon since many things have happened in the last few years.
Take care!
Rachel Reply:
September 18th, 2015 at 3:52 pm
I hope that you will be able to get your breakthrough soon Ally.
Dear Rachel,
Happy Birthday! Here’s wishing you best of health and lots of happiness! 😉
I’m so happy to hear that your DH will be returning to SG more often, and I can imagine how excited Kyle would be. It’s a good sign, certainly. 2017 will come very soon, and I look forward to read your interior design posts too.
God bless and hope we can catch up again for coffee. =)
Emily´s last blog post ..2016 School Holidays and Vacation Planning for Family
Rachel Reply:
September 18th, 2015 at 3:53 pm
Thanks Emily! It was interesting reading about your home renovation posts previously too
Blessed birthday my dearest friend! It’s such a joy to witness the journey you’ve travelled all these years. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement! Here’s to a closer & joyful journey as we support and encourage each other in this narrow path together!
Pauline´s last blog post ..Beach Bum For A Day At The Lazarus Island
Rachel Reply:
September 18th, 2015 at 3:54 pm
Yes! Cheers to more years walking alongside one another in this journey of life
Looking forward to your interior designing post though it may come a bit late cos we are also in the midst of renovating our new place. Happy birthday and wish you a great year to round up your thirties!
Rachel Reply:
September 18th, 2015 at 3:55 pm
Thanks Rachael! Renovation and home decor can be quite different, you will realise when u read the next couple of posts that I will be sharing 😛
Blessed birthday to you, Rachel!
It’s heartwarming to know you’ve found your purpose in life… “having arrived” is something many of us go through to search for answers and may or may not find them, and it’s lovely to know you’ve found yours
Have a wonderful time pouring over those pretty images during your home decor research – you’ll have fun!
Take care and have a fab special day – you deserve it! 😀
Dee´s last blog post ..Learning with edutainment by ZooMoo TV + Giveaway!
Rachel Reply:
September 18th, 2015 at 3:55 pm
Thanks Dee!
Happy birthday! Glad to read such a joyful birthday update!
It’s so wonderful to know your life’s purpose too.
Thanks Evelyn!!