Some tantrum


Looks like a terrible tantrum, doesn't it?

Have a look at this video and see how dramatic it got…

Tantrums from Rachel T on Vimeo.


Btw, the photos above were all taken by Kyle. He seemed to have mastered the technique of 'self photo-taking'.

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  1. Oh my… he is an excellent actor!
    He is absolutely good!!!
    .-= TinĀ“s last blog ..Results 2010 =-.

    He uses that to his advantage sometimes…so I am always sure to look out if there are real tears to make sure I am not taken for a ride.

  2. Hahaha….. Kyle made me laughed so much! This is so funny! And the way your made the video, excellent! My best laugh of the day :-)

    Surprisingly, he was rather game to act it out for me that evening. As for the video, I got a pretty fun software to make videos; AVS video editor, gives me more flexibility than Windows movie maker šŸ˜‰

  3. WAHAHAHAHAHA he should go into theatrical work… šŸ˜‰
    .-= mamablissĀ“s last blog ..Simply One Pot – Chicken with Ginger Sauce =-.

    Prob the only ‘enrichment’ I will ever sign him up for will be Speech and Drama, he seems to have this natural flair for the drama bit. And I always got to make sure I am not manipulated by his ‘acting skills’…

  4. THis is priceless! what a cutie
    .-= koleĀ“s last blog ..Raye- Nibbles and 2 little pigs =-.

    He can be extremely entertaining at times.

  5. He is so funny!!! And an excellent actor! His self-portraits are very well-taken too. I wouldn’t know it’s taken by himself if you didn’t mention it.
    .-= IngĀ“s last blog ..The Time When Malls Come Alive! =-.

    We call him Mr Child actor at home. Have to be wary with his great acting skills, many a times, I can’t tell if it is genuine.

  6. sharon ang says:

    sharon ang: this is so hilarious!!! i have to take lessons from him! LOL

  7. he’s definitely got talent for theatrical arts!


  1. […] have toyed with the idea of sending him to speech and drama, since he is quite a drama king. And even art classes, as he has been asking for it. However, we have a limited enrichment budget […]